"Small-town road warrior" Jake Simon, a 25 year old originally from central IA, made his debut to country radio with "I Still Think About You" hitting as a Top 40 single on the Music Row Country Breakout chart. Peaking at #26, the debut single is just the start of his young career. He followed that release with singles "Find Me on a Dirt Road" and "West Coast Kiss". You can now stream his newest single "Night She Left" everywhere!

 Jake grew up with three brothers way out in the country. All he knew was football and playing in the dirt. Jake credits his willingness to grind to the fact they never had internet at home and the only thing to do was go outside and screw around when they were kids. "There were lots of lessons to be learned by getting scrapes and bumps and bruises, but always getting back up and shaking it off. I definitely wouldn't be the same guy without it."

Jake was a two year captain of the wrestling team and a captain of the track team at Grinnell High School, but football was always king. The "I Still Think About You" singer was a team Captain and an All-State running back for Grinnell High School before a traumatic head injury left him in the hospital, and helped him decide to pursue a music career over college football. 

Jake went to the University of Northern Iowa and started a band. For two years he juggled school and music, until it became obvious school was not the route for him. The band was playing three shows a week while being full-time students. Some people could do both but the obvious choice for Jake was to ditch school. That choice led to national radio play, opening for national artists in front of thousands of people, and even national headlining shows for himself. 

Keep your eyes and ears peeled for new music and go see Jake at a show near you!






